Evolving neural networks to play Mega Man X

Megaman X

Técnicas de Aprendizado de Máquina, como Redes Neurais, em conjunto com Algoritmos Genéticos têm sido amplamente utilizadas com a finalidade de obter bons resultados em termos de desempenho na área de jogos. Neste trabalho, propomos utilizar o algoritmo NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies para vencer a fase Highway Stage do jogo Mega Man X do console Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Para este propósito, informações de cada frame do jogo foram utilizadas tanto para o input das Redes Neurais quanto para a função itness do Algoritmo Genético. Os resultados mostram que, embora o principal objetivo não tenha sido totalmente atingido, a abordagem proposta se mostrou muito promissora em sua função, evidenciando que outras tentativas e um maior tempo de treinamento poderiam, de fato, produzir o resultado desejado.

Jose Luis Flores Campana
Jose Luis Flores Campana
Ph.D. in Computer Science

Jose Luis Flores received his B.Sc. in Computer and Software Engineering from the University of San Antonio Abad de Cusco (UNSAAC), Peru, in 2016. As a bachelor’s student, Jose worked on a research paper related to the recognition and classification of hand gestures based on sign language using artisanal and deep learning techniques. After. Jose obtained his M.Sc in Computer Science from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, in 2020. As a master’s student, Jose was part of a team of researchers from SAMSUNG Brasil and UNICAMP. In this team he worked on two projects, “Multilingual text detection and recognition in images and videos” and “Generation of parallax motion effects”. In 2024, Jose received his Ph.D. from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil. As a Ph.D. student, Jose worked on topics such as Image Inpainting and Image Synthesis, focusing his research on Deep Learning models such as Generative Adversarial Networks and Vision Transformer. His research focuses on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Image Processing, with specialization in Text Detection and Recognition in images and videos, Image Inpainting, and Image Synthesis. He currently works as a software engineer at Loggi.